lundi 11 avril 2011

pin diagrams

In the following figure, we find Almicrockntrulr with the name ofevery man



As we Valmicrockntrulr contains 18 men and the usefulness of each man are as follows:

1 - RA2 second man in the port A
2 - RA3 third man in the port A
3 - RA4 man-fourth of the port A and has additional functionality isTOCK used as temporary or oscillator
4 - MCLR a RESET INPUT and the line above indicates that itworks in the case of a turning point from a positive value to zero, and delivers the VPP, a voltage required for programming micro
5 - VSS line Ground GROUND
6 - RB0 men zero in the port B and has additional functionality and are used in the work of the INTERRUPT
7 - RB1 first man in the port B
8 - RB2 men in the second port B
9-RB3 third man in the port B
10-RB4 fourth man in the port B
11 - RB5 fifth man in the port B
12 - RB6 sixth men in the port B which is used to enter the time toAlmicrockntrulr
13-RB7 seventh man in the port B Tstkhm in which a data entry
14-Vdd reach a positive effort
15-OSC1 reach Palmzbzb
16 - OSC2 reach Palmzbzb
17 - RA0 men zero in the port A
18 - RA1 first man in the port A

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Complete the components of micro PIC16f84

Grandfather of distribution legs Almicrockntrulr the man No. 4 used in the work of the reset and this word means re-Micro to develop his well-known and so when it is Almicrockntrulr in a strange or inaccurate results.
As we have stated previously that the line above the word means the work of MCLR reset the micro in the case that these men equal to zero and not 1The following figure shows the circuit used in this

The Service is a more detailed

It also happens to Micro reset in the following cases1 - when you run it and connect it to the source of the ability of2 - When you use the SLEEP3 - when there is an increase of the Watchdog4 - at least when the power source for the required value
In industrial applications, the power source to be irregular and constantly changing, so it will not happen, but the reset after 72 seconds of the stability of the power source until Etjb work without needless Rest
Described in the following figure
Central Processing UnitCPU
In this section we'll examine the CPU more detail as it represents a brain Almicrockntrulr part responsible for the fetch and carry out the instructions and installed the program described in the following figure:

It should be noted that when a programmer writing a program, the instructions are given for example in the picture following MOVLW 0 × 20, but these instructions are not understood by the microMust therefore be converted to zero and one, and this formula is called opcode that is understood by a micro.
The process of converting characters to the formula opcode is done by the translator or interpreter is sometimes called the assembler.There is also a Balmicrockntrulr sub-unit called the unit of account and logic ALU, which is responsible for calculations and logical operations, and also the implementation of the transfers and the transfer of data to and from registered In the following figure to see and unit of account and reason, where enters her instruction to be performed from instruction register with the condition and status of the instruction the previous status register and then you eject the outputs to the working register.

In the following figure we see the overall structure of parts of the Micro Kntrulr

STATUS Register
One of the most important recorders found in AlmikirkntrulrBut let's now take a look at the existing registered in AlmicrockntrulrIt is illustrated in the following figure:

We note from the previous format and the presence of a double-digit Bank 0, which is used to dealing with them and Bank 1 is an exact copy of the Bank 0And also divided the data memory to the upper part and lower partThe upper part of 00h, which is 11 to 0bh place is called
Special Function Registers(SFR)Is to control the micro and external devices relatedAnd the lower part is called
General Purpose Registers (GPR)Which considers RAM Cram
As we can see the Registrar STATUS exist at the address 03h and can also be used at the address 83hAnd also installed as the following:

As is clear from the figure that contains 8-bit and now we will begin to identify each bit and its function on its own
bit 0 C (Carry) Transfer
And be equal to 1 when there is an increase in the output of any calculation of any output increase of 255, a 8-bit available in this case puts the micro in this action 1 because it does not find a place to store the resultingIn the case do not exceed 255, the value of this bit remains 0
This decision is very important and is called Carry Flag
bit 1 DC (Digit Carry) DC Transfer
Powell is a special 4-bit where a value of 1 if the result is more than 15 It means that a product may be consumed in the first 4-bit and will store it in the remaining 4 bits in the case of the contrary be worth equal to zero
bit 2 Z (Zero bit) Indication of a zero result
This bit is used to illustrate the result of any calculation or logical operation is zeroAnd be equal to 1 when the output of operations is equal to 0And the value is equal to 0 when the output processes are not equal to 0
bit 3 PD(Power-down bit)
Be the value of this bit equal to 1 when the micro starts to work after the reset and be zero when it starts operating in the reconstruction and the implementation is SLEEP and the implementation of this would be when you lack the required capacity.
bit 4 TO Time-out; Watchdog overflow.
Be equal to its value when one end of the reboot and execute a command SLEEP and become equal to zero when the value is up to us a specific error Watchdog
bit6: 5 RP1: RP0(Register Bank Select bits)
As noted in the distribution of recorders that there is the so-called Bank0 Bank1 These two Pathans and allow us the process of selecting the bank zero or bank oneIt should be noted that the memory addresses Ttanthy Title FFh This is equal to 255, we find that Almikr PIC16f84 has 256 Hence we will need only one bit is either RP0 RP1 are not used, but has been developed for the future development and are always worth zeroRP0 either be 1 when we use Bank 1 and be 0 when we use Bank 0
bit 7 IRP(Register Bank Select bit)
Itstkhaddm and in the case of addresses where the indirect selection of the work required by the Bank

next Microsoft Access

7 - (Yes / No) and give you a selection of box sets with a check mark (correct)

8 - (object OLE) if you want to store formatted text or long documents, or images such as a staff member

You must create a field OLE

9 - (Lookup Wizard) to configure the drop-down list the user the option to choose from one of several options

10 - (hyperlink) to put links to move to a file or a page or Mail

Microsoft Access

Microsoft AccessThe lesson for today on how to create forms, and I consider that the establishment of models is the most beautiful in Alakss
But before you start to create a simple partial models learn to design tables This is a partial supplement to the
We have learned in previous lessons of this part is to find out what types of fields heya data that will be included by: -
What kind of data you want to use a field from the fields of the table???
What kind of values ​​that you want to enter in the field? For example, you can not store the type of
Data "text" in the field of data type "number".
What is the amount of storage space that you want to use in the field?
What are the types of operations that you want to perform on the values ​​in the field? For example, can
Microsoft Access compilation of the values ​​in the fields "number" and "currency", but can not collect the values ​​in the
Fields, "text" and "Object OLE"

Now we see when you open the table in Design view in the picture as Homhdd types of names of the types of
Data will be entered in each field such as text - note - No. ....... etc.
Here's an explanation for the use of each of them: -
1 (Text) to store data such as names, addresses, and any numbers that do not require calculations, such as phone numbers,
Numbers of goods or postal codes. Can field "text" that stores a maximum of 255 characters, but the size
Default field is 50 characters. Control property (field size) in determining the number of characters that can be
Entered in the field of "text".
2 (note) you need to store more than 255 characters. Field can "note" that stores the number of
Lines or 65 536 characters max.
3 - (number) to store any digital data can be used in mathematical calculations, except
Accounts that have entered the money or that require a high degree of accuracy. Is controlled in the type and size
For numeric values ​​that can be stored in the field of "Number" by setting the property (field size)
4 - (date / time) to store the date and time a j hours
5 - (currency) to store financial figures (YR, pounds, dinars, pounds, Aldrihammmmmm)
6 - (AutoNumber) to create fields and enter the numbers automatically when a record is added. Once you create a number
For the record, can not be deleted or changed "automatic numbering" growing by 1 is the most "numbering
Automatic "is also commonly the best choice for use as the primary key for the table.

the nexte

This is the person who answers this image should be aware that is very importantReplied that the only cobalt and onlyAnd that is not enough to make it run in this technocratic wideIt is much larger than thisI write this so that I provided to clarify some key points which must take into account for programming learning this thingI.If that will begin to learn the micro does not have any knowledge of electronics will be science that is very difficult and I think it would be impossible if he had originally tried aloneIIIf that is trying to learn who has no background in programming but it also would not work is like the firstIIIWhat is the solution thenTo learn such a thing to be familiar with some rules in the following orderI.Must be familiar with some of the rules of electricity and some basic scientific concepts in physics and other effort was a difference between two points, and voltage and current intensity and pregnancy, and some things about the circuits of resistance and intense and the fileWill someone tell me what does this PalmkroI tell youMicro was originally designed to be put in the circuit controlled by through a program that was programmed by theGoodIs not this circuit containing resistors and capacitors, and possibly some files and also urged there may be a connector to carry out microAll of these things and much, much more present in micro circuitsHow do you find yourself have learned programming micro and do not know what is the resistance and pregnancy and induction and a backlash resulting from the rotation to the motor, etc.You may find yourself in front of Micro seared "bad" experience with the first or the first line is implemented in your program and you do not know that because of this ignorance simplest safety rules in the delivery of such sensitive circuitsIIAfter they recognize such things begin to recognize the basics of the basics of digital circuits and digital circuits and to advance in this scienceThis is the most important thing at all and this is the first core to learn the microIIIAfter they have made in this matter should start reading about wizards, and must master the complete mastery of this section and knows how to work well and methods of dealing with them and that he knows exactlyAnd this is the nucleus of the second workingHaving mastered these two Alomrien will find in himself the ability to read any explanations of any kind of micro and will find it very smooth and easyAnd will not need to question after aThis sequence, which was put forward by the result of personal experienceIf you have noticed that I opened the topic for the programming Alotml and this kind of Almicrockntrulr have called for assistance on how to learn programming and work on itAsraana I found great difficulty in this matter what I tried to read the lessons provided by members and any other lessons in any other placeThis is because I have studied the basics of the basics of logic gates and digital circuits and which was expanded, but I did not study anything for Almikrobersissour "wizard"

microprocessors principles & application

Of course, who will read this address will think that the amount of the annotations in the subject and lectures tremendous fit with all the Micro
Perhaps many of those who want to learn programming micro most enthusiasts as the programming for the graduates of micro sections of electrons will be very easy
Perhaps you ask yourself a question for as long as anyone who wants to learn programming micro askingAnd it is not where to startBelieve me, the answer to this questionIs not read only and some annotations or search for a training course on the WebYou can do this alone, but by following the correct method or approach the correct
To get back from the beginning
Must first learn several important things before you learn how to swim
Classification of this science
Science Programming Advanced Micro Kntrulr science depends on the adoption of a holistic An awareness of the principles of basic and secondary before going into the
If we look at a superficial look at what this science, we find that it combines the flags key
1 - Digital Electronics2 - some science programming
Here we stand and pauseYou want to learn microHave you ever asked yourself a good dayWhat is already AlmkroOf course, will tell me of course I know what is the microI tell youReallyTell me yesThe less you knew meTell me all smoothIs the integrated circuit have entrances and exits and the unit alu and registers and control unit and other thingsThe less you wonderful and Mahzh Did you know the things that I mentioned and how it worksMost of those who work on micro and studied the serious study will answer this question directly and without thinking to answer the followingSee the answer in the book so and so and so and so alsoThis is because the answer to this question would not only serve in a bookGoodThe other brother, who started learning from the articles on the web or in some of the lessons will answer, saying,This meaning and this meaning as well as well as you and such and such and so and so as well as in a certain time and not play only in a certain time